
Refund Policy

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Refund Policy

Here are the rules to follow:

Our focus is complete customer satisfaction. If there is an error in the services provided, we might refund the money, provided the reasons are genuine and proved after investigation. Please read the rules of each game and terms & conditions before participating, it provides all the details about the services or the product you purchase. This Return, Refund and Cancellation Policy is part of the Terms and Conditions.

Return and Cancellation Policy

For Cancellations please contact us at customer care email id given on the app. We do not cancel registrations once entered, however, in case of exceptional circumstances wherein the valid fault may lie with the payment gateway or from our side, we will cancel your participation on request and refund the money to you within a reasonable amount time and amount percentage.

In-case any fixture, match or contests gets abandoned, you money will get refunded to your app wallet

We will make no other cancellation.

Refund Policy

The refund is only applicable to the amount used to join any contest and shall be refunded to the 11cricketers user account source. A refund will be processed using the same payment method or financial instrument used for the initial deposit. Our internal review team will initiate refunds within 5-7 business days of receiving the request.